We are No Taboo Mom

Welcome to No Taboo Mom, a blog that identifies key issues women face today. We provide a safe space for real-life stories about womanhood, childbirth, motherhood, and postpartum experiences. Despite remarkable progress in women’s rights worldwide, many aspects of women’s physical and mental well-being remain ignored, overlooked, or downplayed.

At No Taboo Mom, we delve into the often misleading or sugar-coated information for mothers-to-be, examine the role of the healthcare system for women, challenge equal rights and gender roles, and openly discuss our positive and negative emotions.

Our mission is to end the era of half-truths with hidden agendas and present a realistic view of family life for both men and women. As Naomi Wolf eloquently states in her book “Misconception”: “(…) if we speak more honestly about the darkness as well as the light on our journey to motherhood, family life will be better understood and, therefore, better supported.”

It’s time to speak up and speak out. We are committed to creating a better, kinder, and more truthful world for our sons and daughters. Join No Taboo Mom, read, learn, and share your story with others. Your voice matters!

Discover our Blog Categories

At every stage of womanhood, it’s evident that many topics concerning women’s issues are still ignored or downplayed. Our blog provides a taboo-free space with real-life stories on womanhood and motherhood. Explore your interests, read, learn, and share your own story with others.


From female maturation to the menstrual cycle, childbirth, postpartum experiences, and menopause, this section delves into the spectrum of womanhood. Embracing a No Taboo perspective, we shed light on the spectacular complexity of womanhood, offering discussions on both the physical and mental aspects at every stage of life.


Pregnancy marks a significant physical, social, and emotional transition in a woman’s life. This special yet challenging time is often characterized by numerous uncertainties and worries. Let us explore the joy, hopes, struggles, and the mental and physical well-being of expectant mothers. It is time to create a supportive community for moms-to-be. 


Whether through vaginal delivery or caesarean section, childbirth is undeniably one of life’s most challenging and emotional events. This blog section provides a No Taboo perspective on labor pain, struggles, positive and negative experiences, injuries, and recovery. Dive into detailed real birth stories to gain insight into the birthing process firsthand.


After giving birth, the postpartum period brings a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes. It’s an exhausting and emotional time, yet filled with joy and happiness. This section addresses Baby Blues, Postpartum Depression, recovery, and new moms’ struggles. We openly discuss our changing bodies, feelings and emotions.


What is motherhood, and what does it feel like to be a parent? How do we navigate and survive the difficult moments? What sacrifices do we make to fulfill our roles as mothers? Though often confusing, the journey of motherhood is undeniably purpose-giving and deserving of our attention. Let’s talk about the unconditional love, devotion and difficult decisions.


This section explores a blend of philosophical, ethical, and health-oriented topics relevant to modern women. We delve into today’s clichés, stereotypes, stigmas, gender roles, and uncomfortable and taboo questions. Alongside useful information and tips, expect entertaining and surprising content in this vibrant section.

Explore our Recent Stories

If you’re tired of misconceptions and misleading information about women’s issues, No Taboo Mom Stories are for you. Take a moment for yourself and explore our real-life stories, or join our taboo-free dialogues on various topics of womanhood and motherhood.


10 Taboo Questions about Periods: A Mother-Daughter Interview

If you have a daughter, the conversation about menstruation, puberty, and growing into womanhood is bound to come up sooner or later. Talking about menstruation with your daughter can be challenging. In this article, Sandra and her daughter Matilda share their journey.

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10 Taboo questions about vasectomy

10 Taboo Questions about Vasectomy

Let’s talk about contraception for men! What do we really know about vasectomy? While there are numerous contraceptive options available for women like contraceptive pill, the hormonal coil (IUD), hormone implants, or sterilization, there is a lack of discussion surrounding contraceptive methods for men. We asked Rob about his experience with vasectomy, and here are his 10 answers.

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Supporting Partners

Great undertakings require dedicated allies. We’re deeply thankful for the invaluable support we receive. Join us in fostering mutual cooperation and shining a light on crucial issues affecting women and mothers worldwide. If you’re interested in partnering, sponsoring, or supporting this mission in any capacity, we’d love to hear from you. Together, we can make a meaningful impact.

"Motherhood is not simply the organic process of giving birth... it is an understanding of the needs of the world"


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