Recent Stories

We had enough of half-truths and sugar-coated information about women’s physical and mental health, throughout all stages of womanhood. No Taboo Mom Stories document various real-life experiences with focus on womanhood and motherhood. We address important and often difficult topics which must be brought to light in order to make this world a women-friendly place. Join our in-depth, constructive and taboo-free dialogue on women’s issues. 


10 Taboo Questions about Periods: A Mother-Daughter Interview

If you have a daughter, the conversation about menstruation, puberty, and growing into womanhood is bound to come up sooner or later. Talking about menstruation with your daughter can be challenging. In this article, Sandra and her daughter Matilda share their journey.


Broken Vaginas – Understanding and healing Maternal Birth Injuries

Women worldwide often suffer silently from maternal birth injuries. I experienced a third-degree tear from my vagina to my anus. This article shares my journey with untreated birth complications and explores treatments to offer hope and information to women facing similar challenges.

10 Taboo questions about vasectomy

10 Taboo Questions about Vasectomy

Let’s talk about contraception for men! What do we really know about vasectomy? While there are numerous contraceptive options available for women like contraceptive pill, the hormonal coil (IUD), hormone implants, or sterilization, there is a lack of discussion surrounding contraceptive methods for men. We asked Rob about his experience with vasectomy, and here are his 10 answers.

Childbirth Stories – What is it like to give birth? Hero Image

Childbirth Stories – What is it like to give birth?

Every childbirth experience is unique. Since there is no typical woman, every pregnancy, labor, and delivery will be different. Whether a woman gives birth vaginally or by cesarean section, there is no doubt that childbirth is an event like no other. The unpredictable nature of labor and birth can be scary at times.

Invisible Woman – Social demotion of aging women

Invisible Woman – Social demotion of aging women

Billy’s story is a moving reminder that aging is not just a physical transformation but also an emotional and social journey. So, where does this take us? How do we cope with aging? Do we fight it, do we surrender, or do we cherish that transformation, embrace it, and create a new, better perception of ourselves?

I’m losing my hair! – Dealing with postpartum hair loss

I’m losing my hair! Dealing with postpartum hair loss

Massive hair loss after pregnancy hit me with double force because I simply did not see it coming. I was so focused on taking care of my newborn, that I did not perceive at first what was happening on my own head. About two months after giving birth, my hair started to fall out at warp speed and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. My hair was absolutely everywhere!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Dealing with IBS during pregnancy

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Dealing with IBS during pregnancy

When I got pregnant, my Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) went absolutely out of control: unbearable lower abdominal pain and cramps, painful bloating, and constipation. Seeking relief for my symptoms, I visited countless medical practitioners who turned me away due to ‘my condition’.

Childbirth stories – My journey from hospital to home birth

Childbirth stories – My journey from hospital to home birth

My name is Julia. I am a psychiatric nurse, a teacher, and a mother of two beautiful girls. Having worked in the German healthcare service, I’ve witnessed the inefficiencies of the system, especially in relation to women’s health. I always said that I would rather give birth in the comfort of my own home than in a hospital. Here is my story of my first hospital birth and my second home birth.

Living with Hashimoto’s Disease – Wish for children

Living with Hashimoto’s Disease – Wish for children

I am a Mother of two girls despite Hashimoto’s Disease. The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in gynecology, making Hashimoto’s disease significant in relation to fertility. Approximately 10-12% of the general population will experience Hashimoto’s at some stage in life. Given these statistics, understanding its impact on fertility becomes increasingly important.

Invisible Woman – Social demotion of aging women

Invisible Woman – Social demotion of aging women

Billy’s story is a moving reminder that aging is not just a physical transformation but also an emotional and social journey. So, where does this take us? How do we cope with aging? Do we fight it, do we surrender, or do we cherish that transformation, embrace it, and create a new, better perception of ourselves?

Living with Hashimoto’s Disease – Wish for children

Living with Hashimoto’s Disease – Wish for children

I am a Mother of two girls despite Hashimoto’s Disease. The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in gynecology, making Hashimoto’s disease significant in relation to fertility. Approximately 10-12% of the general population will experience Hashimoto’s at some stage in life. Given these statistics, understanding its impact on fertility becomes increasingly important.

Postpartum Sex? – Sex on your own timeline

Postpartum Sex? – Sex on your own timeline

There’s no universal timeline for resuming intimacy postpartum. Everyone’s experience with postpartum sex is different. Some struggle to restore intimacy, while others feel excited and passionate. Navigating low libido postpartum can be challenging due to struggles of early motherhood. Honest communication with your partner is crucial. Understanding responsive desire can help. If you experience pain, don’t ignore it; treatments are available.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Dealing with IBS during pregnancy

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Dealing with IBS during pregnancy

When I got pregnant, my Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) went absolutely out of control: unbearable lower abdominal pain and cramps, painful bloating, and constipation. Seeking relief for my symptoms, I visited countless medical practitioners who turned me away due to ‘my condition’.


Mother Blessing – A spiritual celebration of motherhood

Mother Blessing is a ceremonial, personal and intime approach which focuses on the future mother, her needs and wellbeing, her thoughts and feelings. A Mother blessing is designed to celebrate the upcoming birth and the postpartum period. During this event, female friends get to honor the mom-to-be, give her loving attention, answer her questions, support her.

Childbirth Stories – What is it like to give birth? Hero Image

Childbirth Stories – What is it like to give birth?

Every childbirth experience is unique. Since there is no typical woman, every pregnancy, labor, and delivery will be different. Whether a woman gives birth vaginally or by cesarean section, there is no doubt that childbirth is an event like no other. The unpredictable nature of labor and birth can be scary at times.

Childbirth stories – My journey from hospital to home birth

Childbirth stories – My journey from hospital to home birth

My name is Julia. I am a psychiatric nurse, a teacher, and a mother of two beautiful girls. Having worked in the German healthcare service, I’ve witnessed the inefficiencies of the system, especially in relation to women’s health. I always said that I would rather give birth in the comfort of my own home than in a hospital. Here is my story of my first hospital birth and my second home birth.

Childbirth Stories – From loss of control to total knockout

Childbirth Stories – From loss of control to total knockout

Not every birth ends in trauma, I am aware of that, but my did and I feel the story must be shared. I got pregnant at the age of 35. I was actively preparing for childbirth by practicing HypnoBirthing, yoga, meditation and doing birth courses. I thought I had everything under control until labor began. I experienced traumatic childbirth experience, leaving me with an extensive postpartum injury.


Broken Vaginas – Understanding and healing Maternal Birth Injuries

Women worldwide often suffer silently from maternal birth injuries. I experienced a third-degree tear from my vagina to my anus. This article shares my journey with untreated birth complications and explores treatments to offer hope and information to women facing similar challenges.

I’m losing my hair! – Dealing with postpartum hair loss

I’m losing my hair! Dealing with postpartum hair loss

Massive hair loss after pregnancy hit me with double force because I simply did not see it coming. I was so focused on taking care of my newborn, that I did not perceive at first what was happening on my own head. About two months after giving birth, my hair started to fall out at warp speed and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. My hair was absolutely everywhere!

Postpartum Sex? – Sex on your own timeline

Postpartum Sex? – Sex on your own timeline

There’s no universal timeline for resuming intimacy postpartum. Everyone’s experience with postpartum sex is different. Some struggle to restore intimacy, while others feel excited and passionate. Navigating low libido postpartum can be challenging due to struggles of early motherhood. Honest communication with your partner is crucial. Understanding responsive desire can help. If you experience pain, don’t ignore it; treatments are available.


10 Taboo Questions about Periods: A Mother-Daughter Interview

If you have a daughter, the conversation about menstruation, puberty, and growing into womanhood is bound to come up sooner or later. Talking about menstruation with your daughter can be challenging. In this article, Sandra and her daughter Matilda share their journey.

Breastfeeding – The Blessings and the battles

Breastfeeding – The Blessings and the battles

Breastfeeding is one of the most undervalued aspects of motherhood. Our culture is rife with misconceptions about mothers’ milk and bottle feeding or breastfeeding in public or workplaces. Motherhood is not entirely natural, and breastfeeding isn’t ‘free.’ No matter where you stand on the subject of breastfeeding, you are surely doing your best for your baby and for yourself.

10 Taboo questions about vasectomy

10 Taboo Questions about Vasectomy

Let’s talk about contraception for men! What do we really know about vasectomy? While there are numerous contraceptive options available for women like contraceptive pill, the hormonal coil (IUD), hormone implants, or sterilization, there is a lack of discussion surrounding contraceptive methods for men. We asked Rob about his experience with vasectomy, and here are his 10 answers.


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